And so a chapter begins.......

For being a complete creative, using my hands kinda person, computers,instagram, Facebook comes with its challenges... but... here I am trying out a bit of blogging!!!Eeekk.. 

I have come to the conclussion that I spend most of my time rabbeting away to people so why not broaden your horizons. And so far so good..  

This fills me excitement and dread but being a be at home Mum, Hairstylist and Artist the thought of the world out there excites me and I am sat at home with my whirl wind of chaos around me. So forgive me with my selfish indulgence of spilling my waffle to maybe some else out there.. HeeHee.

I have been spending the last few weeks putting my collection of Art work together to Exhibit next week @theuffordcrown. To say one bites of more than you can chew would be deemed an under exaggeration... but in the words of my 8year old 'Never Give Up!'. So In my climbing Everest challenge of sorting out my website I thought whats a bit of blogging in the big scheme. And to be honest it has taken me away from the pile of raffle tickets, invitations, todo lists, paintbrushes, washing, tidying and yapping dogs. Quite relaxing...

But on a more serious note one must step up to the challenge. Quit the moaning and be grateful to have enthusiasm and health. To prove to yourself and your children you can do anything if you put your mind to it.


This is me The Painter...

This is me The Painter...

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